What We Believe
- We believe in One God eternally existing in three persons, namely; the Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
- We believe that God created mankind in His image, but that "all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God" and therefore are in need of His redemption.
- We believe that God has demonstrated His love to mankind by sending His Son, Jesus Christ, as Savior to pay for sin through His death and bodily resurrection. By His grace and forgiveness,
eternal fellowship with God has been provided. This fellowship is received through repentance and faith in Jesus Christ as personal Savior
- We believe that the Holy Spirit has been sent to each believer as sanctifier, counsellor, teacher, and comforter.
- We believe that the scriptures, both Old and New Testaments, are the inspired Word of God. We believe that God's Word provides understanding and guidance for all human relationships, making
possible the assurance of God's grace and strength in all circumstances of life.
- Based on the above confession, the Moose Jaw Christian Counselling Centre is established to provide guidance and ministry to those in the community who seek such aid. This counselling is in full
harmony with scriptural principles.
- The ultimate goal of this counselling service in meeting the needs in the community, is to bring glory to God the Father, Christ the Redeemer, and the Holy Spirit.
Our Objectives
- "Biblically-based counselling service"....
MJCCC will provide biblically-based counselling through an application of principles from God's Word using researched, proven and professional methodology.
- "Providing a broad range of services"...
MJCCC will provide a broad range of confidential counselling services to all individuals and/or families in the community without respect to age, race, social, economic or religious status.
- "In response to individual and institutional needs"....
MJCCC will provide independent services in co-operation with local churches, social agencies and other helping professions through:
- accepting and providing referrals
- providing educational services on request
- or other means deemed appropriate
- "Wide community support base"....
MJCCC will develop a wide support base on which to build an effective community service through involvement with a large number of agencies and developing a solid spiritual and financial support
Financial Structure
The MJCCC is a recognized non-profit organization that is able to operate largely through the generous tax-deductible donations of its supporters. The fees that clients are charged have been set
by the Board of Directors and are based on the clients' ability to pay. Approximately a quarter to a third of the operating budget is received from fees for service. The remaining portion of the
budget comes from donating churches, individual supporters and fund raising events.